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Subscribing to Balestra keeps you up to date about everything going on at our magazine. You’ll receive emails every time a new submission period opens or closes and every time we put out a new magazine. Subscribing keeps your finger on the pulse of Balestra.

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Subscribing isn’t the only way to be a part of Balestra, liking, commenting on, and sharing Balestra helps to spread our magazine and grow it into the best publication it can be. We also look forward to reading your work. Check out our Submission Guidelines and get your art featured in Balestra.

To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

Our Team

Balestra wouldn’t be possible without a dedicated team behind it. Although this team is currently very small (right now it’s only me, so writing in this weird collective style is very strange) but we hope to grow and evolve alongside the magazine.

Editorial Team:

Editor-In-Chief Ben Wignall:

Ben Wignall is a poet and prose writer living in St. Catharine's, Ontario. They're currently studying creative writing at Brock University and have been previously published in issues two and five of Paloma Magazine, 24-hour poetry night: Collections of Chaos, as well as the 2022/23 and 2023/24 Brock Creative Writing Anthologies. When they aren't writing Ben can be found coaching and practicing fencing, obsessing over coffee, or playing chess until 2 in the morning. 

Special thanks to Ashley Rolo for designing the Balestra logo

Subscribe to Balestra Magazine

Welcome to Balestra, an emerging literary and multi-media arts magazine. Balestras change the tempo, break the rhythm, and catch your opponent off guard. Here at Balestra Magazine we seek to do the same.


Welcome to Balestra, an emerging literary and multi-media arts magazine. Balestras change the tempo, break the rhythm, and catch your opponent off guard. Here at Balestra Magazine we seek to do the same.
Poet, writer, and fencer currently in St. Catharine's. Studying creative writing at Brock university. Editor-In-Chief of Balestra Magazine